Sunday, January 31, 2010

Digital Imaging

I made this for my Digital Imaging class last semester (fall 2009) My professor had to run to Florida for two weeks or so and decided to give us a picture of a car, and our instructions were to "make it pretty" So he gave us a lot of freedom. This was my first take on the project. Thou it may look like I haven't done much to the car itself, I really spent hours on it. The car had some nasty sun reflections on it and reflections of some buildings. So I used Adobe CS3 to fix it up. I used the clone tool A LOT. I had colored the cars shadow and decided that the car needed to have its lights turned on. I was highly impressed with this when I was finished. Thou I had only learned how to use CS3 that semester and was still working on figuring it out. As you can see, I LOVE brushes. I made the background all from scratch. It could use some more texture, but I will leave it as is. It was the first time I made anything like this. So I will always love how it turned out.
This is my first Fantasy scene. I'm impressed by it concidering I made this only 2 months after the semester started. Two months before I made this, I had no idea how to use Adobe Photoshop. I think my skills as an artist have grown so much.
In this picture I started with the background. I hand painted all of it on CS3. then had some fun with brushes! The purpose of this picture was to play around with different types of brushes.

This picture was my final for my Digital Imaging I class. I'm so proud of how it turned out in the end. When I started it. I had no Idea what I was going to do for the project. (the project was to make a picture that showed time passing) This picture was going to be a practice. But it turned out so good that I ended up turning it in for my final grade.

This was "take two" of the car project. I'm not sure which one I like better, but I think both are good. Thou I do LOVE the blue sky in the other one a lot more then the purple I used in this one.

This picture was my first project in my Digital Imaging II class. we had to make a face out of words. I must say that mine was the most deatailed out of the class. But noe the best. But I do think its a great peice of art. It took me many hours to complete this. It took 4 hours to complete just 1 eye.